(midweek toddler group)
We want to love and support preschool families in our community. Come along to Pebbles on Tuesday or Friday mornings for friendship and faith for you and your toddler.
At Christ Church we are church family. In Pebbles we want to know, care and support our parents/carers of 0-4s... as family! Whether you're a member of the church family already, or local in our our community we would love to welcome you and your little ones to Pebbles, get to know you, and introduce you to the Christian faith.
Join us for conversation, cake and coffee for you; and for play, snacks, stories and songs for your little one!
We meet 9:30-11am on Tuesday and Friday mornings (term time) at the back of Christ Church House in The Lounge. Please book your place online (we have limited spaces) - cost is £3 each week per family and we book in half termly blocks at a time.
If spaces are full up, please email tom@cockfosters.church to join the waiting list.