Community Chorus
On special occasions our Community Chorus joins our services, usually alongside an orchestra of local musicians. The chorus is open to anyone in the local community (regardless of your ability) – keep an eye out for upcoming rehearsals and performances or get in touch to find out more!
Music and PA/AV Ministry Team
Whether you’re an instrumentalist, singer, PA or AV operator, contact our Music Minister David Gibson to find out more about serving the church at our Sunday services.

Our focus is to be Christ-centred in our worship, as the good news of Christ compels the church to sing and give thanks. Our Sunday services have a wide range of musical styles from classical to contemporary, but always with the aims of glorifying God and encouraging one another in faith. Music and singing have always been present with God’s people down through history. We want to be a church that joins this narrative in singing well!
Our three Sunday services vary in musical styles, from organ-led hymns to contemporary bands. Check out our Sunday services page to find out more.
Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Colossians 3:16
Singing in worship is an integral part of our church life.