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Since 1839 our church building has been used to share the amazing news of Jesus Christ. Over the next few years we are aiming to repair and renovate the building to better equip it to share the gospel message into future generations.
Building Church (Spring 2025).png
We have a wonderful church building and we want to make the most of it to enable as many as possible to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.  For the past 40 years Christ Church has been seeking to improve and update the fabric of the church building.  Excitingly, we have now made some progress with planning agreements and in 2025 we hope to achieve the following milestones:
  • Finalised plans with full architectural drawings
  • Detailed costings completed
  • Commitment from church family to pledge financially
  • Permissions received from Enfield Council and the London Diocese
  • Replacement of the pipe organ with a digital organ

If you would like to find out more about these plans, or to make a financial contribution please email the Building Church Team:

We continue to pray that God will guide this endeavour and bless each decision we make and that He will be glorified in all that we do.
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