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​At Christ Church we love to celebrate the joyful significant events of life, and support those who mourn​

​Please contact the church office in the first instance for more information on how to proceed or for advice.​


If you are interested in being baptised, or having your child baptised, or want to give thanks for the gift of a child; or are considering getting married at Christ Church, then please feel free to visit us on a Sunday morning.  There's a helpful booklet you can obtain from the office, and we find that lots of questions can be answered with an informal chat with a member of the clergy.


If you have been bereaved and would like the funeral or service of thanksgiving to take place at Christ Church please contact the office to talk through the options and to receive support. 


Or if you would just like to talk to someone following a loss, then a member of our Pastoral Team would be pleased to hear from you.  Please don't struggle alone in your time of grief and sadness.

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